Fire protection in the data centre
Our facilities feature comprehensive fire protection safeguards. Both the data centre as well as the office space are monitored by a highly sensitive fire alarm system. Moreover, the data centres are also equipped with fire detectors with extraction technology. This way fires can be detected even earlier on in some cases.
In case of fire, argon gas extinguishing systems ensure extinguishing that is gentle for IT and technology. This way loss of data due to water from extinguishers is impossible. Direct connections from the fire alarm system mean that the local fire department is immediately notified of an existing fire.
At a minimum all data centre areas comply with the fire protection standard F90, and even the standard F120 for areas in the Lampertz security cell. Added to that, all rooms are designed as separate fire sections, to prevent the spreading of fires.
Design of the rooms as separate fire sections
The rooms of the data centres are divided up as separate fire sections, providing these separate server rooms with additional protection in case of fire.
Argon gas extinguishing systems in the data centre
Our argon gas extinguishing systems protect the data centres in case of a fire inside. This means that fires in both the server rooms as well as in the technology are extinguished.
Fire-proof room-cell construction according to F120 and F90
Rooms and walls were built in accordance with fire resistance classes F120 and F90, in compliance with fire protection regulations for buildings.
Monitoring by a fire alarm system in the building
The entire building and, as such, the data centres overall, are monitored by the fire alarm system, which immediately activates an alarm in case of fire.